The role of Infection control in improving quality and safety in primary healthcare in Nigeria

The primary healthcare system which provides basic clinical and public health to one fifth of the global population has a notable history. The primary care institutions faced substantial challenges in the health care sector, including limited development, inadequate government funding and weakening of the support by public health care providers. This led to surging costs, poor quality, and diminished access to care in primary healthcare. Even...

Empowering community health workers with mobile health technology to save lives

Maternal and neonatal mortality continues to be a significant problem in Nigeria. Along with insufficient financing, medical supply gaps, and service delivery challenges, a lack of adequately trained birth attendants is a key health system-facing issue preventing significant improvements in maternal and child mortality in Nigeria. The Lifesaving Intervention Project of Rural health Mission Nigeria has proven to be highly impactful in remote...

Three ways RHEMN supported COVID-19 Response in Nigeria

Rural Health Mission Nigeria (RHEMN) is a non-governmental organization based in Gombe northeast Nigeria. The organization supports access to quality healthcare in hard-to-reach remote communities and develops advocacy platforms to influence policy that strengthens primary healthcare systems. The covid-19 pandemic has significantly challenged global health. In Nigeria, covid-19 came at a time that the health system is faced with insufficient...